Welcome to the show page setup instructions.
You have arrived here because you have set up a show results to be visible without setting up a new page for the dog.
The assumption therefore is that you have forgotton how to do it
- copy an existing show page - use showgilberts.htm as a guide
- rename the 'copy of showgilberts.htm' to shownameofthedog.htm
- open the new page using notepad - or a html editor of your choice
- scan down the html code until you find the li (stands for list) containing gilberts show data
- it should start < ul>
- followed by:
- < li> something typed inbetween these < /li>
- the < and gap shown above has been done so as not to confuse the browser - there is no space normally
- You will see what I mean when you look
- a li list can have 1 item
- or hundreds of items
- as an end to the list you will see:- < /ul>
- change each li line to suit the new dog
- if 'gilberts' has to many li items then delete the li line
- if 'gilbert does not have enough items copy a li line and paste it between the ul references
- save the page and close
- open the dogs pedigree page
- in the dogs pedigree sheet html find where it says div id="showspec"
- then under the div locate: < p style="visibility:hidden;" a href="showpagesetup.htm"> View Show Results < /a>
- the visibility:hidden bit: the hidden part can be changed to say visible
- keep the colons and pointed brackets where you see them
- then where it says href="showgilbert" change the 'gilbert' to read the new dogs name
- i.e the name should be the same as the new page created above
- save your page and close
- reopen the dogs pedigree page in the browser - the dogs pedigree page should show:
- Show Results
- click that and the dogs show results should show
- if not you have done it wrong - recheck using showpagesetup as your template
- Good luck
- Ray